Sunday, October 9, 2011

WWSJD - What Would Steve Jobs Do?

Like most of the world, I awoke earlier this week, to learn of the death of Apple founder, Steve Jobs.  Most of us will never become to next inventor of life-changing gadgetry such as the iphone, ipad or ipod; However, we can learn from Steve's life and teaching how to invent a fruitful, productive, and successful life and business. 

Here are Steve Jobs' 7 Success Factors. 

1.  Do What You Love.  Passion is everything.  It is worth pursuing and can lead one to great personal and professional rewards.

2.  Put a Dent in the Universe.  Make your mark by being bold and insistent.  In order to do that one needs a clear and concise vision.

3.  Say No to 1000 Things.  Reduce excess and clutter in your life - even on your desk.  Keep it simple.  Steve Jobs used his techonological genius to streamline phones, laptops, and PDAs.  He said 'no' to the way the world heard and bought music.  He said 'no' to old standards in gaming and downloading.  And, by saying 'no', he opened the door to discovery.

4.  Kick-Start your Brain.  Try something new on a regular basis.  A new place, food, restaurant, friend, or way to get to work in the morning.  Seeing and doing new things really does stimulate innovation.

The next three strategies are for business people specifically.

5.  Sell Dreams Not Products.  Describe what you have to offer in terms that will excite people.  Clients are looking for products and services that solve problems, provide answers, and in short make their dreams come true. 

6.  Sell Experiences.  Express the big picture, your vision.  Help your clients see how they will experience, not use, your product.

7.  Master Your Message.  You are always being judged by how and what you communicate.  If you only have 30 seconds with that future stakeholder, investor, partner, or client, what would you say?
Figure it out TODAY.

Steve would want you to leverage his strategies to improve your pursue of success and happiness.  Afterally, he said "good artist borrow ideas,  great artist steal them." 

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