Thursday, December 11, 2014

'Tis the Season To Get Stressed Out!

I'm learning a little something about stress these days.  I recently got married, I  am in the process of building a new home,  I'm negotiating details to move my mother in with us, and we are starting a new family.  Not to mention I'm running a business,  managing real estate investments, teaching fitness classes and staying active with church ministries.  I've learned that busyness can mean stress, even when the busyness is beautiful.

What I've learned through this ever-changing journey could help you:

I don't perform or react ideally when I'm too_____________.
When I'm too tired, too frustrated, too sad etc I'm not at my best. When I feel myself becoming too (insert emotion here), I know its time for a chat with my bestie, a catnap, a walk or a quick game of candy crush saga to get me back on track.

I need to be heard.  
Sometimes I need to vent.   When I'm overwhelmed, I can't always see the forest for the trees. I might also need help talking through decisions and problem solving.

Encouragement drives me
I'm a self motivated person. I don't usual need help getting and staying motivated.   But there are days (like yesterday, for example) when I get locked out of my car, sprain my wrist, have a disagreement with my partner  and I'm running late to my meeting when I just need an extra push. ..or better yet a hug.  I need someone to remind me that I can do it and tell me everything will be OK.

The key is knowing myself.
It's imperatives that I successfully analyze and access what I need.  Then I have to know what source to seek out in order to get the appropriate direction and support.  It's no different than the principles I teach in leadership development workshops.   Know what you need;  know who can give it to you; and ask for it.