Thursday, December 8, 2016

December Challenge: Be Grateful

My birthday is this month!  Every year I make a list of all the things I'm thankful for, on my birthday. I list as many things as the number of years I've lived.  It forces me to really reflect on life's blessings and acknowledge new things I've gained or experienced during the year, like my riding lessons and safari, pictured below.

But this year, I'm going to make a list of things to DO to demonstrate my gratefulness.  At this point in my life, being thankful isn't enough,  I need to show it.  Gratitude makes me happy; so it's a win-win.

My list includes but isn't limited to:

Giving things away - there are so many needy people and many of them are close by.  They go virtually unnoticed everyday.  I'm taking notice and sharing what I have.  I'm not only giving away things I don't want anymore.  I'm giving away things that I like and use; realizing that someone else needs it more than I do.

Saying a kind word - I'm committing to compliment someone on their thoughtfulness, appearance, intellect or other attributes every day.  This means paying closer attention to those around me and giving credit where credit is due.

Entrusting someone with something - You may have a car you won't let your spouse drive, a favorite sweater you won't let your daughter wear, or a piece of jewelry you won't let your friend borrow.  I did too!  But, now I'm making a conscience effort to share those precious belongings.  The real value in them is letting other enjoy them.

Encouraging someone -  I want to be positive and optimistic with those who are struggling or just need a kind word.  I want to be truly present with people in order to notice their needs.  This may allow me to make deeper emotional connections in my relationships as well.

Improving myself - Because I'm grateful for the health and talents I have, I want to work on strengthening them.  That might mean resuming piano lessons or sticking to my healthy eating goals.  I don't want to take for granted, the gifts I've been given.

Caring for someone who's sick - I don't know about you, but there have been times when I've connect with a friend and they told me they had been ill (even hospitalized) for several days. I didn't even know! So, part of this commitment involves staying connected.  From there, the service part is pretty easy.  

What can you start doing this month, and continue into the new year?  Take the Gratitude Challenge.  You and your circle of influence will be glad you did.

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