Furthermore, trust affects our everyday choices. We make decisions on what we will or won't do based on trust. We decide what we're willing to risk because of trust levels. We even determine what we're willing to share, based on the trust factor. If there was ever a product you stop buying because you heard something bad about them, or a merchant you started supporting because of positive feedback, you were being experiencing trust-influenced choices. Here are a few other examples:
You trust confidantes to keep your secrets. If you're in a supervisory role, you trust (or don't trust) employees to do their jobs even when you're not watching. When something in your home needs repair, you trust someone -- perhaps a complete stranger -- to come into your private domicile and do the work. If you get a referral from a neighbor, you trust that person to provide a credible, reliable recommendation.
Have you ever bought or sold goods on e-bay or amazon? If so, you were exhibiting trust. You trusted complete strangers to pay for the goods you were selling, or you had to trust someone to ship the goods you were purchasing - sight unseen.
Relationships start with trust. It can be built and it can be broken. When commitments are kept, trust increases. When promises are broken or dishonesty is exhibited, trust is lost. It's not the only factor in a productive relationship, but it is an essential one. If you want trust to grow, PLANT THE SEED.
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