I don't closely follow horoscope, but I do recognize good advice when I hear it. Therefore, when someone shares my horoscope with me, I listen and take heed.
I came across this article about the Capricorn Girl. I know zodiac description are usually vague enough to be try for almost everyone. However, I found this to be rather specific and surprisingly accurate. I highlighted some things that stood out for me.
"The Capricorn girl’s childhood life may not have been the easiest; as she may have felt that the joys and freedom of that time were somehow restricted and/or possibly withheld from her.
It can often take quite a while therefore for the Capricorn woman to come to terms with her feelings and to accept that it is all right for her to express herself or, to find the inner tools that will allow and direct such creative and emotional expression to the right outlets.
Once she has established and has built the path toward her own success however, there will be no stopping the progress of the Capricorn woman.
Over time she will develop and learn how to build upon her concepts and ideas, how to profit from every venture and, how to gain in a material and/or social sense from each of her many experiences.
Capricorn women are prone to build friendships with older people or those in positions superior to herself. Her objectives being to mix among those who can be of help and assist her in her climb to the top of her particular project, job or ambition.
While the Capricorn woman may have commenced her life with little endurance and limited courage, she has the ability to continually learn from her practical contacts in life as to what works and what doesn't.
The result is, that at the end-of-the-day, she will ultimately achieve a victorious result. For the Capricorn woman, it’s the later years of her life that are often the best." (I'm hoping this will be true.)