In one of my workshops, I asked participants to imagine they've been given $86,400. I asked them to decide how they will spend every dollar. I told them they couldn't save any of it and they couldn't give it away. Some workshop participants told me they wanted to invest it, save a portion for their children or put some aside for a rainy day. But I assured them that would not be allowed. I watched them ponder and review their options in painstaking detail. After they had made their decisions, we talked about the purpose of the exercise.
It's really not about money, it's about time.
There are 86,400 seconds in every day. Many of us spend our money very carefully and thoughtfully. But with our time we're not as astute. We waste it, we throw it away, we spend it on the wrong people and things, and we use it in unfruitful ways.
Money has a known and distinct value for most people. And we know what money is worth. We just don't always seem to know what the value of time is.
They are decidedly different in many way:
Can make more:
Money - Yes; Time - No
Can count how much you have:
Money - Yes; Time - No
Can save some for later:
Money - Yes; Time - No
Can give it away to those who need it
Money - Yes; Time - No
Can earn it:
Money - Yes; Time - No
Can borrow it:
Money - Yes; Time - No
Can find it:
Money - Yes; Time - No
What you can do with both is invest it instead of just spending it. To invest your time, you need a plan of action. Be intentional as you plan how you will use your time.
Here are some tips, experts say help us make the most of our time.
- Designate small amounts of time each day for things that are not important; like social media, and tv shows. When that designated time is up, stop.
- Start each day by planning for the day and for each week by planning for the week. During this time, determine your top priorities.
- Be willing to say no to things that don't align with your priorities.
- Make time for connecting with friends and family, exercise and self care.
- Remember, that they only moment you have for sure, is right now.