Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Conflict Mitigation: Righting the Wrongs When You've Hurt Someone

In a recent workshop, a participant asked me how to deal with a colleague when you've offended them, unintentionally. He asked how you would know you've crossed a line or rubbed someone the wrong way.  As you'll see in video clip, I explain that both parties have an opportunity to make the situation better.  The offended person could say something like:  "You know, what you said/did earlier was hurtful.  Or "I feel disrespected when you interrupt me that way."   If that doesn't occur, the offending person could put herself in the other person's shoes and ask herself:  "How would I feel if someone did that to me?"  Or, (for those of us with thicker skin), you might ask yourself, "how would a reasonable person react to that?"   If you realize your actions may have had an unintended impact, seize the opportunity to approach the person you have offended and offer an apology.