Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Adding More Value

A 2015 Harvey Nash survey shows that HR professionals are increasingly unhappy with their jobs.  Part of that dissatisfaction stems from the way HR is perceived.  It’s perceived as a place of punishment, restriction, secrets, and  control.    The question is:  How can we change this perception to one of performance, strategies, and inclusion.  It takes more than just a title change and new business cards to transform your image from bureaucrat to business partner.   It takes action. Fortunately,  you don’t have to wait for someone to give you permission or approval to change the brand of your department, your team , or just yourself.

Here are some actions to take right away to achieve quick wins.
Read a book and talk about it.  When your stay aware of trends, practices, and news related to your industry, you’re in a better position to be an adviser to your internal clients.  Articles, white papers, and book summaries, are great ways to stay informed as well.

Share a success story.  Sometimes my clients feel like their situation is the worst one ever.   They believe there couldn't possibly be a feasible fix.  I assure them that they are not the only person to deal with a team member who wears PJ's to work; a vendor who tells inappropriate jokes; or an employee who does great work, but can’t play nice with others.   I share success stories of how I've seen these issues resolved.  More importantly, I share with them what course of action it took to reach that happy ending.

Share solution alternatives.  When a client comes to you with an issue, they may already have a solution in mind. Rather than just mindlessly executing what they have requested, partner with them to reach the best solution.  Talk about the proven strategies and alternatives.  Discuss pros and cons of each possibility.  Then make a recommendation based on the resources, time-frames, risks, and benefits involved. 

As an HR professional,  you have the professional expertise and background that sets you apart;  your HR history is an asset and so are you.  Before you know it, peers and leaders throughout your organization will see you as a partner; not because you told them you are, but because you prove it.

Saturday, January 10, 2015


It’s another new year – another January.  This is the time of year that is supposed to be pivotal.  It’s when we make potentially life altering, or at least habit changing decisions.  Yes, it’s that time again.   But, research shows that despite our best intentions we end up, in 3 weeks or less, abandoning all those great ideas, hopes, and promises called resolutions.

Let’s think about a different way of approaching resolutions.  In fact, let’s not call them resolutions at all.   Let’s call them life changes.  In order to make effective life changes we really need to think about what we want.  What we desire in our lives.  We have to take stock of some things.  I call it evaluating the What, So What, and Now What.  It’s a three-part process that leads to life changes.

Consider what matters most to you.  Think about what you want to accomplish, what you value, or even what your dreams are.  For example, you might desire an advanced degree. The degree would be your What.

So What
After you determine your What, you have to be sure about why it matters.  The significance of the What will keep you driven, motivated and accountable.   For example, So What explains why you desire that advanced degree.  It might be something you need to achieve in order to get promoted, afford a better education for your children, retire early, or simply have more career fulfillment.   These are important results you might be seeking in your life.  So when your What gets tough, you keep pushing on because of the so what.

Now What
This is where you consider how you will achieve what you want.  It’s where you will begin as well as the ongoing steps you will take to accomplish your What.  In order to get from where you are now to where you want to be there will be work, effort, and probably sacrifice as well.  But, you cant get there overnight; it will likely be a journey.  For example, if you want an advance degree (what), in order to get promoted (so what), you first have to identify and apply for schools.  Some research will be in order to determine the different programs available, cost involved, and requirements. 

That's how your What becomes reality.