We as humans tend to focus on one thing; even though we attempt to multitask we tend to have one track minds. Think about the last time you were doing more than one thing simultaneously. You might be washing dishes while talking to a friend on the phone. In that case your probably paying attention to the phone conversation and not focusing on the dishes. Two things that require your full attention wont equitably coexist. That's why we shouldn't text while driving. We can't be attentive to both at the same time -- We have one track minds.
Since we function best with one focus at a time, I challenge you to concentrate on just one thing. What is the one thing you should accomplish, improve or complete? There may be several, but truthfully you can't focus on them all at once. You need to achieve one thing, check it off the list, and move on to the next big thing. Whether its procrastinating less, reading more, or working out more often, you need to focus on the one thing and make it your priority. Continually look for ways, moments, and resources to work at that one thing. Don't forgot about those other important tasks, jobs, and roles, but keep your focus.
And, give it your all!