Friday, May 16, 2014

Don't become an entrepreneur!

People often ask me about my decision to leave corporate America and pursue entrepreneurship.    They tell me it seems so interesting and exciting.  They say they ‘might like to do something like that someday.’  Well, I’m not sure what ‘something like that’ entails; because there is nothing quite like this journey of entrepreneurship. 
Every overnight success is at least a decade in the making. 
When colleagues, friends, or associates ask how I got started, I tell them.  I used an early retirement fund to start my consulting practice.  My last day with my employer was only a few hours. I left mid-morning and before I arrived home I had set up a full week of meetings with prospective clients. I had been studying and networking with them for months.   Once I started spreading the word about my offerings, people who knew me and had seen my work started engaging my services.  From there came referrals and repeat business.  I watch people's eyes sparkle as I share my abbreviated story.  While complete truth, it may make it seem so easy to start and sustain a business. 

Don’t do it.
I usually ask the inquirer, why they would want to be a business owner.  Many of them tell me they want to be their own boss.  I tell them don’t do it.  Don’t become an entrepreneur.  I explain that I took this direction with my career because I wanted to purse my passion – I knew exactly what I wanted to do and how I wanted to do it; I wanted to be able to have a greater impact on the lives and careers of others than I was able to as an employee;  and I wanted to leave a legacy and help others do the same.  

 When future entrepreneurs tell me they don’t know what they want to do they just know they don’t want to keep working where they are working I say, don’t do it.  There is no passion in that.   Business ownership is not an escape, it’s a deliberate pursuit.  Don’t go in, unless you have a burning desire, I tell them. 

Some people admit they want to call their own shots.  I say don’t do it; not for that reason.  You can't call the shots at the bank when you’re applying for a business loan.  You won’t call the shots with your clients when they decide whether or not to renew your contract.  You are not calling the shots when business is slow or your bid is rejected.  You will be greatly disappointed if you enter into independent employment with this expectation. 

Pursue Your Passion.

When folks say they want to make their own schedule, I tell them don’t do it.  Having a flexible schedule is really no reason to leave the security and reliable pay that a salaried position provides.  And in reality, the schedule is very demanding-- no so much flexible-- in the early years.

Instead of chasing some version of someone else’s dream, or trying to escape a rut, pursue what you truly love.  Only then will you make the right choices and be devoted to them.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

The Mighty Redwood Falls And So Could You.

A Redwood tree stands in the forest for 400 years. Then suddenly it crumbles to the ground. Why? It was destroyed from inside... by insects.... eating away at it over time.
Your thoughts actions inactions or attitudes could be destroying you from within. An internal infestation.  How does this relate in the workplace? Consider a few hard to take realities of the business world:

  • You will be tested
  • You will experience failure
  • All your ideas won't work or be accepted

What can you do to combat these harsh truths?

There are also a number of mind traps (victim mentality thoughts) that keep people from progressing.  Do you ever say or think any of these?:

I inherited this dysfunctional team.
My boss doesn't like me.
They don't listen to me or value me.
I'm bored.
This is unfair.
My situation is different.  No one else knows my struggles.
They are trying to get rid of me or sabatoge me.

You may think life or your situation is unfair, but one thing is for certain:  life is equally unfair to each of us... if we choose to see it that way.

What steps will you take to influence what you can influence?

It's time for a paradigm shift. Join us for the event in August.